{:en}Arrivederla easily{:}{:es}Arrivederla fácil {:}
{:en} Victor Barboza, Jr. gets his first victory of the week at Gulfstream Park, Arrivederla, ridden by Edgard Zayas, scored…
{:en} Victor Barboza, Jr. gets his first victory of the week at Gulfstream Park, Arrivederla, ridden by Edgard Zayas, scored…
{:en} Black Hope wires the field in race 7 under Emisael Jaramillo, saddled by Victor Barboza, Jr. Gulfstream Park. Congratulations…
{:en} Golden Splendor holds off Upsy Daisy Do to win race 5, Emisael Jaramillo at the reins, 2nd win today…